BP1620, BP1628 & BP1640 Granulators Page 30 BP1600
1. Verify that the alignment of the pulleys is correct.
Utilizing a straightedge of sufficient length to span from
one pulley to the other, place it along the sides of both
pulleys. The entire edge of each pulley should fully
contact the straightedge.
2. Measure the belt span (see Figure 2).
3. Using a spring scale, apply a perpendicular force to any
ONE of the belts at the midpoint of the span.
4. Measure the force (lbs.) required to deflect any ONE of
the belts 1/64th of an inch for every inch of span. For
example: the deflection for a 32 inch span would be
1/64th of an inch times 32 inches, or 1/2 inch. The
force required to deflect the belt is listed in column A
for new belt installations.
5. The motor position should be adjusted until the actual
deflection force matches the forces listed in column A
on page 32 for new belt installations.
Belt pulleys
(Located on left-hand
side of unit, under the
sheave guard.)