
10 CFM Compressed Air Dryer Chapter 6: Troubleshooting 23 of 30
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting
The utmost in safety precautions should be observed at all times when working on or around
the machine and the electrical components. All normal trouble-shooting must be
accomplished with the unit turned off, power disconnected, and with the machine tagged as
out of service.
Problem Possible Cause Possible Remedy
Material being dried differs
from material specified at the
time of purchase.
Drying systems are designed
for the material that was
originally specified.
Different materials may need
a longer residence time or a
different drying temperature.
Loss or reduction in drying
Break in flex hose to drying
Inspect for air leaks; replace
as needed.
Process temperature set too
high due to operator error.
Check resin manufacturer’s
data sheet for proper drying
temperature. Make sure plant
personnel are aware of the
correct process temperature
set point.
Material in drying hopper
cakes, or meltdown occurs.
High temperature alarm not
set properly.
Reset high temperature
Process set point is out of
acceptable range.
Restore temperature
controller to factory pre-sets.
Function set for degrees
Celsius (ºC), set point at
degrees Fahrenheit (ºF).
Verify correct Celsius or
Fahrenheit settings.
Nothing displays when the
controller is turned on.
Process thermocouple not in
Verify that the thermocouple
is properly installed in the
inlet tube.
The internal mechanism is
not inserted properly into the
Properly insert the internal
mechanism into the housing.
The power supply is not
connected to its terminals
Properly connect the power
supply to the power supply
No setting change possible on
temperature controller.
No power is supplied, or the
supplied power is not within
the specified range.
Supply a voltage of 85 to
125 VAC to the power
supply terminals of the
controller or 220-240 V for
higher voltage units.