
2.4. Com pres sed-air supp ly
For ope ra ting the clea ning unit, a com pres sed-air supp ly is ne ces sa ry.
De pres su ri ze com pres sed-air supp ly li nes which must be
ope ned.
Com pres sed air must be de wa te red, dust free and oil free.
In stall a main ten an ce unit if re qui red.
Ad just pres su re to a max. va lue of 6 bar (87.02 PSI) (sys tem
over pres su re).
Check com pres sed-air pi ping for cor rect in stal la ti on and as sem bly.
Check fit tings, length and qua li ty of the hose con nec tions for agree ment with re -
qui re ments.
The ope ra ting pres su re is 5-6 bar (72.52-87.02 PSI) (sys tem over pres su re).
Check the com pres sed-air supp lied by the plant’s supp ly net work.
Ad just com pressed-air pres sure to 5-6 bar (72.52-87.02 PSI) (sys tem
Con nect the unit to the plant’s supp ly net work by me ans of a hose.
As sem bly in struc tions 20