Lexmark 4023
(Optra W820/Xerox 4525)
Lexmark Cartridge Part # 12B0090
OEM Stated Yield: 5840/5740: 10,000. 5845/5745:
The “Return” cartridges have an ARD on a small
board located inside the right end cap of the
cartridge. Unlike other Lexmark chips, the board for
these cartridges has two contact pads where the
machine makes direct contact. New replacement
chips ARE available NOW. On the Non-Prebate
cartridges the chip is also present, but the killer part
is not active. These cartridges can be re-
manufactured as much as you want, the chip will not
Lexmark 4069
(Optra T)
Lexmark Cartridge Part # 12A5840/12A5845 (Prebate),
12A5740/12A5745 (Non Prebate)
OEM Stated Yield: 5840/5740: 10,000. 5845/5745: 25,000
The “Return” cartridges have an ARD installed on
the top left side of the cartridge. The packaging for
the chip looks more like a battery than a chip, but it
is definitely a chip. This package allows a special
reader inside the machine to read the chip with out
any wires connecting it. New replacement chips are
now available that work in both the Optra T and
Optra SE series. Do not confuse the Optra T series
with the T series; they are not the same. See below
for more information. Other vendors such as Toshiba
are also using this engine. Make sure your
replacement chip is universal or brand specific if
using in these machines. Contact your vendor for the
correct chips. On the Non-Prebate cartridges the chip
is also present, but the killer part is not active. These
cartridges can be re-manufactured as much as you
want, the chip will not interfere.
Lexmark 4045
(Optra M)
Lexmark Cartridge Part # 17G0152/17G0154
(4K00198/4K00199 Discontinued)
OEM Stated Yield: 0152: 5,000, 0154: 15,000
Included here only because of the physical similarity
to the other Optra S, Se. & T. These cartridges do
not have any chips, or anything else that has to be
reset. They even eliminated the Yield Wheel! At this
time there are only “standard “ cartridges, Prebate
cartridges have not been released, and there does not
seem to be any plans for Lexmark to do so.
Lexmark E120
Lexmark Cartridge Part 12015SA (Return Program),
12035SA (Standard)
OEM Stated toner Yield: 2,000
OPC Cartridge: 12026XW
OEM Stated Drum Yield: 25,000
Toner cartridge: This system uses a separate toner
and drum cartridge. The “Return program” toner
cartridge has a “Killer Chip” on it that must be
replaced each cycle. On the Standard cartridges the
chip is also present, but the killer part is not active.
The Standard cartridges can be re-manufactured as
much as you want, the chip will not interfere
. In both
cases, the chips use the new “Overdrive code”.
Make sure your supplier is up to date with the proper