
4-2 Sun Fire™ B1600 Chassis and B100s, B100x, and B200x Blade Product Notes May 2004
4.1 Installing SPARC Solaris Onto a B100s
Server Blade
To install the Solaris 8 HW 12/02 (Build 5) Operating Environment onto a B100s
blade, follow the instructions in the Sun Fire B1600 Blade System Chassis Software
Setup Guide, the Solaris 8 Installation Guide (806-0955), and the Solaris 8 Advanced
Installation Guide (806-0957).
4.2 B100s (SPARC Solaris) Server Blade
The following problems are known to affect the Sun Fire B100s Server Blade:
4877079: Blades running SunVTS sometimes power down when the System
Controller is reset.
This problem is known to affect the Blade Support Chip firmware in version 5.1.3
on the server blades. When a System Controller resets it attempts to read FRUID
information from each FRU in the chassis; if it fails to read this information for a
particular FRU, it powers that FRU down. It is known that when SunVTS is
performing its BSC test on a blade this can cause the FRUID EEPROM to become
temporarily unreadable by the System Controller. If the System Controller is reset
while this test is executing on a blade, then it might not be able to read the FRU
information for that blade. And if it cannot, it will power the blade down. To
avoid the possibility of experiencing this problem, you would need to disable the
BSC test in Sun VTS.