Tip: The Café Barista™ is factory set to
standard volumes. If you want to adjust the
respective length of coffee pour volumes,
please refer to the instructions in section
‘Changing and saving coffee pour volumes
and coffee strength settings’.
• Press the button if you want to pour one
cup of coffee, see figure 25, or the
button to pour 2 cups of coffee, see figure
Note: When choosing 2 cups of coffee,
the pre-set values for the ‘coffee strength/
quantity’ and ‘coffee pour volume’ are
increased accordingly.
Note: Before the actual coffee brewing
process, the ground coffee is dampened
by a small amount of water. Known as pre-
infusion, this helps in achieving maximum
extraction of oils from the coffee grinds. After
a short pause the actual brewing process
Note: You may stop the pour of coffee at any
time by briefly pressing the 1 cup button
or the 2 cup button, respectively, which
you pressed before.
• The espresso is made.
Making an espresso with pre-ground coffee (continued)
Figure 26Figure 25