User's Manual
3. RCA Unbalanced Inputs
Your SunÞ re AmpliÞ er has three
sets of inputs for each channel. Two
are un bal anced RCA in puts and one
is a bal anced XLR type.
The two RCA inputs for each
channel are joined together internally
and either one can be connected
to the cor re spond ing output of your
preampliÞ er. The other can be used as
a daisy-chaining output, sending the
pream pli Þ er output signal to another
channel or to another ampliÞ er.
Note that signals cannot pass
from the RCA into the XLR inputs.
Do not drive the ampliÞ er from
more than one preampliÞ er or other
4. XLR Balanced Inputs
If your pream pli Þ er has XLR out-
puts, connect them to the XLR inputs.
The female XLR inputs are wired
as follows:
Pin 1 is ground
Pin 2 is positive (hot)
Pin 3 is negative (cold)
Balanced connections pass the
input signal along two conductors. If
there is any external noise and in ter -
fer ence passing into the audio lines,
both conductors will receive the same
amount of noise. This noise is then
rejected in the balanced input stage of
the SunÞ re AmpliÞ er.
5. Outputs
The top post of each
pair is the positive out-
put, and connects to the
positive (red) post of your
speaker. The bottom post
of each pair is the negative, and con-
nects to the negative (black) post of
your speaker. The posts can accept
bare wire, spade terminals, and dual
or single banana connectors.
6. IEC Connector
The ampliÞ er comes with a
detachable Linecord which attaches
here. Make sure it is Þ rmly pushed in
place. Connect the other end to an AC
outlet which is properly conÞ gured for
the type of plug and has the correct
voltage for your model.
7. Line Fuse
If this fuse fails, replace it with the
exact same “Slow-Blow” type and cur-
rent rating.
Note: Always unplug the
power cord from your AC out-
let before re mov ing the fuse.
Use a ß at headed screw-
driver, push in slightly and
gently rotate the fuseholder
half a turn.
Rear Panel Features continued
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