User's Manual
The loudspeakers have two sets of
bind ing posts that can be used for
biwiring or biamping. These posts
are joined with bridge clips for normal
Make sure the bridge clips are
re moved from the loudspeakers
when you want to biamp or biwire
them. If not, this may cause damage to
your amplifi er..
In a biamp system, each loudspeaker
can be driven by two separate amplifi er
channels; one to drive the woofers and
one to drive the ribbon.
Biamping with a Sunfi re
Theater Grand Amplifi er
The front channels of Sunfi re's Theater
Grand Amplifi ers each have two pairs
of outputs. In a biamp system, use the
current source to drive the ribbon and
a separate channel's voltage source
to drive the woofers.
This example shows the connections
for biamping a right front speaker.
• Connect the amplifi er’s right rear
output to the right loudspeaker’s
woofer input terminals. Connect the
amplifi er’s right front current source
output to the ribbon input terminals.
• Both amplifi er channels are fed with
the same (right, front) line-level
signal from your preamp.
Conventional Biamping
If you are not using a Sunfi re Theater
Grand Series amplifi er (or you are
using the current source outputs for
something else), then connect sepa-
rate amplifi er channels to the woofer
terminals and ribbon terminals. The
amplifi ers should be of identical power
output and performance. Both amplifi er
channels are fed with the same line-
level signal from your preamp.
Amplifi er outputs
Sunfi re TGA Series Amplifi er outputs