
Roughing-in the Olé-2SF requires
careful attention to the design plan
made previously. Review the previ-
ous page and make a list of things
to factor in to specic mounting loca-
tions, before deciding exactly where
to place the unit. In order to avoid
Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI),
do not mount touchpads close to
light dimmers. Leave at least one
stud-bay open between touchpads
and dimmers (leave more space if
multiple dimmers are present). Avoid
installing Olé-2SF touchpads in ar-
eas that will receive direct sunlight.
Sunlight can ood the IR receiver
and make the system inoperative.
Do not mount touchpads outdoors!
Corrosion will damage them. Sunre
does not warrant Olé touchpads for
outdoor use.
Mounting Height
The Olé-2SF has no viewing
angle limitations, so mounting
height should be determined by the
average height of the user. Typical
mounting height is 56-60 inches
from the oor to the bottom of the
frame. This will provide optimum
viewing for the largest number of