The RS-232 Port
The TGR-401 has a rear panel
RS-232 Serial communication port.
This allows the FLASH memory to
be upgraded to the latest software by
connecting to a PC.
The TGR-401 software may be
updated to re¿ ne operational details
and to include new features. Down-
loadable updates will be posted on
our website:www.sun¿ re.com.
The port can also connect to the se-
rial port of a Home Theater Controller,
to operate the TGR-401 remotely.
Serial RS-232, 19200 Baud, 8-N-1
DB-9 Wiring
PINS 1, 6 and 4 are joined together
in ter nal ly
PINS 7 and 8 are joined together
in ter nal ly
PIN 2- Data from TGR-401 to con-
troller (TGR-401 transmit)
PIN 3- Data from controller to TGR-
401 (TGR-401 receive)
PIN 5- Ground/Common
PIN 9- No connection
The RS-232 connector is female.
Serial Cable
To connect the TGR-401 port to a
computer, you will need a "straight-
through" serial cable. This has con-
nector pins at one end connected
directly to the pins of the connector at
the other end. For example, pin 1 at
one end connects to pin 1 at the other
end, pin 2 connects to pin 2, pin 3 to
pin 3 and so on.
These common cables are avail-
able from most computer stores (or
from Radio Shack as # 26-117). It
should be 9-pin male at one end, to
¿ t into the TGR-401 and normally
9-pin female at the other, to ¿ t into
your computer's serial port (COM1 or
Update Procedure
1. The current version level of the
software running your TGR-
401 can be found by looking
menu. This is under the CON-
TROL menu (see page 35).
2. Downloadable updates are on
our website www.sun¿ re.com.
If the website ¿ le is newer than
your current version, follow the
website directions to update
your TGR-401.
3. Record your calibration, preset
stations or other settings. In
most cases, the upgrade will
not affect any of these settings,
but it is good to record them
just in case.
4. Turn off your computer and
the TGR-401. Position them
close enough so that they can
be easily connected using
your serial cable. If you have
a laptop computer, then it may
be easier to bring that close to
the TGR-401.
5. Connect the TGR-401 RS-232
port to the corresponding serial
port on your computer.
6. Turn on the TGR-401 and your
7. Install the ¿ rmware update ap-
plication to your PC.
8. When the ¿ le transfer is com-
plete, press the Power switch
on the TGR-401 front panel.
This completes the upgrade.
9. Turn off your computer and the
TGR-401, and disconnect the
serial cable.
External Control
The RS-232 port also allows the
TGR-401 to be controlled externally
by Home Theater controllers and com-
put ers.
Serial command set
Note for programmers and develop-
ers: Contact Sun¿ re Technical Sup-
port, or our website www.sun¿ re.com
for a list of serial commands.