User's Manual
Your SunÞ re Subwoofer should reach
you in perfect con di tion. If you do notice
any ship ping dam age, please contact
your SunÞ re Dealer im me di ate ly.
Gently lift out the unit and remove all
the packing material. It is im por tant to
save all the packing ma te ri als and the
box in case your subwoofer ever needs
to be moved or shipped for repair.
Make sure that you keep your sales
receipt. It is the only way to establish
the duration of your Limited Warranty
and it may come in useful for insurance
pur pos es.
Please take a moment to Þ ll out and
mail the SunÞ re Customer Response
card. Also read the serial num ber located
on the control panel and record it here:
• 2,700 watt, high efÞ ciency ampliÞ er
• High gloss, dark rosewood Þ nish
• Automatic Room Equalization mode
• Measurement Microphone included
• Very low distortion
• Long throw, premium quality drivers
• Stunning output from a small cube!
• Automatic signal-sensing turn-on and
standby mode
• 12 VDC trigger input for remote turn-on
• Balanced XLR input
• Line level unbalanced inputs
• Speaker level binding post inputs
• Line level high-pass outputs
• Continuously variable phase control
• Continuously variable crossover fre-
quency adjustment, 35 to 100 Hz
• Continuously variable volume level
• Soft clipping circuit allows graceful
overload and prevents speaker dam age
due to clipping
• Gold-plated inputs and outputs.
Dear Friend:
Thank you for purchasing my SunÞ re
True Subwoofer EQ. I hope you enjoy
it and the music it makes as much as I
have enjoyed creating it for you.
The big breakthrough features of
the subwoofer are its uncanny track-
ing downconverter, its long throw, high
back-electromotive force driver, and its
fully automatic room equalizer. Taken
together, they provide this sub woof er with
as much bass as you could get from sev-
eral 15 inch drivers mount ed in a cabinet
the size of a small re frig er a tor.
To maintain the speaker cabinet’s Þ n-
ish, Þ rst unplug the power cord and then
use a soft cloth to clean the sur fac es.
To keep the large rubber surrounds soft
and supple for 20 years or more, treat
them with MINK OIL, avail able at most
shoe repair stores. Unplug the power
cord, and rub a generous amount into the
surrounds with a soft cloth about once
a year (more often if you live in a dry
If your SunÞ re Subwoofer needs ser-
vic ing, please read the Trou ble shoot ing
section on page 21. If a problem still
persists, contact your near est au tho rized
SunÞ re Dealer.
Serial Number:
Purchased from: