
ATMOS Subwoofer LocaƟon:
The ATMOS subwoofer is designed to by placed in a corner and will produce opƟmum per-
formance when doing so .
#1 Is considered the best listening posiƟon for most environments
#2 Is also good but may shake the back wall and cause things on or along the wall to raƩle. If
this occurs try posiƟon 3
#3 Move the subwoofer away from the wall approximately three feet as shown. This will
greatly reduce the raƩling of the wall as sƟll pressurize the room with lots of bass
It is highly recommended to try several locaƟons and decide which locaƟon is best for the
room. All images in this note will reflect corner posiƟon #1
APPLICATION #1— SINGLE ATMOS subwoofer in a 7 Channel environment
Subwoofer placement is criƟcal in every listening environment. It is recommended to do
a sound test for best placement. When placing the subwoofer in a corner it is best to
place it an angle as shown in the top view.