124 Calculator
This is the Internet version of the user’s guide. © Print only for private use.
The Calculator is a standard 12-digit calculator. You can add,
subtract, multiply, divide, calculate square roots and
percentages. It also has a memory function.
To use the calculator
1. Select
2. Enter the calculations by tapping the digits.
All calculations, except percentage calculations, are performed
in the order they are entered, for example: 5+5x5=50, not 30.
Percentage calculations are performed backwards. To calculate,
for example, 10% of 50, enter 50x10%. The result is displayed
when you tap the %-key.
Key functions
You can copy and paste values to and from other applications by
Values stored in the memory are retained while using other
Tap once to retrieve a value from the memory and enter it
into the screen.
Tap twice to clear the memory.
Tap once to store an entered value in the memory.
If you have already entered a value in the memory, tap once
to add the value on the screen to the value in the memory.
Tap once to subtract the entered value from the value in the
memory. The memory is adjusted but not displayed.
Tap once to delete the last digit you entered.
Tap once to reset the screen to 0.