
LS 3070 Product Reference Guide: Programming
Beeper Definitions
Standard Use
Beeper Sequence Indication
1 Beep - short high tone A bar code symbol, or magstripe data was
decoded (if decode beeper is enabled).
2 Beeps - long high tone Mis-match between the selected host and the
interface cable.
4 Beeps - long high tone This signifies either a host interface error or a
format or transmission error in the magnetic
stripe card or in a scanned symbol. In that case,
the data is ignored. This will occur if a unit is not
properly configured. Check option settings.
5 Beeps - long high tone Data conversion error. When Ignore Unknown
Characters is disabled, any attempt to transmit
data not supported by the selected host will
produce these error beeps.
6 Beeps - short low tone RF communication error.