
Copyright © TANDBERG 2008 Reference Guide Version 3.0 rev 3.0 17
Parameter Type Comments
weekDays String
terminationType String
terminationDate dateTime.iso8601
numberOfRepeats Integer
h239Important Boolean Optional. Sets the h239 channel to be
locked Boolean Optional. Locks or unlocks the conference.
customLayoutEnabled Boolean
newParticipantsCustomLayout Boolean
customLayout Integer
chairControl String
Optional fields, as for the
"conference.create" method above.
enforceMaximumAudioPorts Boolean
enforceMaximumVideoPorts Boolean
Assumed to be true if absent. These can be
set to false in order to specify no limit on
the number of audio/video ports.
Conferences created through the management API will appear in the list of conferences accessible via the web
interface. Therefore, the API can be used to modify conferences scheduled via the web interface, and vice
versa. Note that there is only a very limited amount of control available for ad_hoc conferences, however.
4.3 conference.destroy
Parameter Type Comments
conferenceName String Name of the conference to be destroyed.
A conference can be destroyed at any time; that is, before the conference has begun, during the conference or
after the conference has ended. Destroyed conferences are removed entirely from the system; this includes all
future repetitions of the conference.
4.4 conference.end
Parameter Type Comments
conferenceName String Name of the conference to be ended.
A conference remains in the list of conferences even after the conference has ended — until
conference.destroy is called. In particular, this can be used to end an instance of a conference without deleting
all future repetitions.
4.5 conference.enumerate
The conference enumerate function is used to return some or all conferences scheduled, running or completed
on the MCU.
Parameter Type Comments
String The value returned by the last enumeration call. If it is
omitted, a new enumeration is started.
enumerateFilter String A filter expression.