TANDBERG Gatekeeper/Border Controller API User Guide
D14172.01 page 37 of 84
3 API - Configurations
This section gives an overview of the Configuration Information available in the Configuration XML
document (configuration.xml).
All examples are presented using the standard XACLI format.
3.1 configuration.xml – xconfiguration
SystemUnit Name: <S: 0, 50>
Defines the name of the system. Choose a name that uniquely identifies the system.
SystemUnit Password: <S: 0, 16>
Defines the password of the system. The password is used to login with Telnet, HTTP(S),
SSH, SCP, and on the serial port.
Option [1..64] Key: <S: 0, 90>
Specifies the option key of the option you wish to add. Option keys are added to the system
in order to add extra functionality, such as increasing the system's capacity. Contact your
TANDBERG representative for further information.
Ethernet Speed: <Auto/10half/10full/100half/100full>
Specifies the setting of the Ethernet link. Use Auto to automatically configure the speed.
Note: You must restart the system for any changes to take effect.
IPProtocol: <Both/IPv4/IPv6>
Selects whether the system is operating in IPv4, IPv6 or dual stack mode.
Note: You must restart the system for any changes to take effect.
IP Address: <IPAddr>
Specifies the IPv4 address of the system.
Note: You must restart the system for any changes to take effect.
IP SubnetMask: <IPAddr>
Specifies the IPv4 subnet mask of the system.
Note: You must restart the system for any changes to take effect.
IP Gateway: <IPAddr>
Specifies the IPv4 gateway of the system.
Note: You must restart the system for any changes to take effect.
IP V6 Address: <S: 0, 39>
Specifies the IPv6 address of the system.
Note: You must restart the system for any changes to take effect.
IP V6 Gateway: <S: 0, 39>
Specifies the IPv6 gateway of the system.
Note: You must restart the system for any changes to take effect.