3.12 Phone Book - My Contacts
The Phone Book My Contacts is a list of contacts that can be stored locally on the system. Within
the normal operating mode (outside of Kiosk Mode) the list is known as My Contacts, and within
Kiosk Mode it is represented only as a list on the Make a Call screen.
The list of numbers within My Contacts is available for both Auto Dial (if activated) and for ringing
via the Make a Call menu (only possible on the Compass MXP).
It is possible to add new contacts and edit or delete existing contacts. My Contacts can store up
to 200 contacts.
It is possible to sort the names into a specific sequence by adding digits (e.g. 00-99) as a prefix to
the name. The list is sorted alphanumerically.
The settings box below depicts the My Contacts list when the Kiosk Mode is deactivated, i.e when
in set-up mode.
Note: With regard to Auto Dial and Make a Call, it is possible to select which Phone Book the
system uses; either the locally stored My Contacts or the list available via LAN and TMS known
as Corporate / Global Directory.
Figure 3-10. Phone Book – My Contacts.