Model 220Operating Procedures
Note: The funnel can be returned to its closed
position. Another measure of mix can be poured int o
the hopperin readinessfor thenext batchwhilethefirst
batch of mix is freezing.
Figure 33
Step 6
Place the mix hopper cover in position.
Figure 34
Step 7
Place thecontrol switch inthe “AUTO” position. When
the unit automatically cycles off, the light will turn off.
This light is a visual signal that the product is down to
its proper temperature. Place the control switch in the
“OFF” position.
Figure 35
Step 8
To add fruits and nuts, place the control s witch in the
“EJECT” position. There are two ways to add fruits
and nut s, as follows:
Fruits and nuts can be added t hrough the mix hopper
funnel assembly. Use the plunger to press the
ingredients down into the freezing c ylinder.
Fruits and nuts can also be added through the opening
in the freezer door. Install the white plastic door
funnel before using the plunger to press the
ingredients into the freezing cylinder.
Figure 36
Note: The plastic door funnel MUST be installed
beforeusingtheplungerwhenaddingfruits andnuts
through the opening in the freezer door . Failure to
install the door funnel may result in the plunger hitting
the beater assembly and damaging t he machine.
If the plunger will not be used, fruits and nuts can be
added through the freezer door without installing the
plastic door f unnel.
Step 9
Thoroughly mix the added ingredients until the desired
consistency is obtained.