Models 8751/8754 Operating Procedures
Step 2
Install the b eater assembly. First c heck the scraper
blades for any nicks or signs of wear. If any nicks ar e
present, or if the blades are worn, replace both blades.
If the blades ar e in good condition, install the scraper
blade clips on the scraper blades. Place the rear
scraper blade over t he rear holding pin on the beater.
Note: The hole on the scraper blade must fit securely
over the p in to pr event costly damage.
Figure 5
Holding the rear blade on the beater, slide it halfway
into the freezing cylinder. Install the front scraper blade
over the front holding pin.
Install the beat er shoes.
Figure 6
Slide the beater assembly the rest of the way into the
freezing c ylinder.
Make s ure the beater assembly is in position over the
drive shaft. Turn the beater slightly to be certain that
the beater is properly seated. When in position, the
beater will not protrude beyond the front of the freezing
Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the other side of the freezer
on the Model 8754.
Step 3
Assemble the freezer door. Place the large rubber
gasket(s) into the groove(s) on the back side of the
freezer door.
Slide the whit e p lastic front bearing(s) over the baffle
rod(s) onto the bearing hub(s) making certain that the
flanged endof the bearing i sresting against thefreezer
Figure 7
Note: There are two gaskets and two front bearings
for the Model8754 door, onefor eachfreezingcylinder.
Figure 8