Model C300Operating P rocedures
Brush Cleaning
Step 1
Prepare an approved 100 PPM cleaning solution
(examples: 2- 1/2 gal. [9.5 liters] of Kay- 5R or 2
gal. [7.6 liters] of Stera- SheenR). USE WARM
IMPORTANT: Follow the label directions. Too
STRONG of a solution can cause parts damage,
while t oo MILD of a solution will not provide
adequate cleaning. Make sure all brushes pr ovided
with the freezer are available for brush cleaning.
Step 2
Return to the freezer with a small amount of
cleaning so lution. With a single service towel, wipe
clean the rear shell bearing surface. Brush- clean
the rear shell bearings at the back of the freezing
cylinders with the black bristle brush.
Figure 45
Step 3
Remove the:
S seals and o- rings from the drive shafts
S drive shaft seal bushings from drive shaft
S caps and springs from freezer doors
S screws and draw handle slides from freezer
S pivot pins from draw valves
S draw valve handles from freezer doors
S draw valves from freezer doors
S o- rings from draw valves
S prime plugs from freezer door s
S o- rings from prime plugs
S o- rings and front bearings from freezer
Discard all o- rings and replace them with new ones .
Note: To remove o- rings, use a single service towel
to grasp the o- ring. Apply p ressure in an upward
direction until the o- ring pops out of its groove. With
the o ther hand, push the top of the o- ring forward. It
will roll out of the groove and can be eas ily removed.
If there is more than one o- ring to be removed,
always remove t he rear o- ring first. This will allow
the o- ring to slide over the forward rings without
falling i nto the open grooves.
Step 4
Using a single- service towel, wipe the lubricant off
the parts. Brush- clean all disassembled parts in the
cleaning solution. Make sure all l ubricant and syrup
is removed. Place all the cleaned parts on a clean,
dry surface to air- dry.
Step 5
Wipe clean all the exterior surfaces of the freezer.