Models C708 & C716 Important: To the Operator
The LOCKOUT HISTORY screen displays a history
of the last 40 soft locks, hard locks, brush clean
dates, or aborted heat cycles. Page numbers are
indicated i n the upper right hand corner. Page 1
always contains the most recent failure.
00/00/00 00:00
The second line of the screen displays the date and
time a failure occurs. The third line indicates the
reason for a failure, or will indicate if a successful
brush cleaning has oc curred. Some failures occur
with multiple reasons. When this occurs, a page will
be generated for each r eason.
Use the arrow symbols to advance forward or m ove
backward to v iew each screen. Listed below are the
variable messages that may appear.
Faults Occurring Entering a Heat
Treatment Cycle
POWER SWITCH OFF - The power s witch is OFF.
AUTO OR STBY OFF - The control was not in the
MIX OUT FAILURE - A Mix Out condition was
NO HEAT CYCLE TRIED - The A uto Heat Time
was set to attempt a heat cycle more than 24 hours
after the last successful heat cycle.
Faults Occurring While in Heat Mode
HEAT MODE FAILURE - The maximum allowable
heat mode time exceeded 90 minutes.
COOL MODE FAILURE - The maximum allowable
cool mode time exceeded 90 minutes.
TOTAL TIME FAILURE - The maximum allowable
total heat treatment time exceeded 4 hour s.
BRUSH CLEAN TIMEOUT - The total days in
operation exceeded the bru sh clean cycle setting.
POWER SWITCH OFF - The power s witch was
turned OFF during the heat cycle.
POWERFAILINH/C-A power failure occurred
during the heat treatment cycle.
MIX LOW FAILURE - The mix level in the hopper is
too low for a successful heat cycle.
BEATER OVLD H/C - The overload tripped for the
beater motor.
BRL THERM FAIL - The thermistor sensor for the
freezing cylinder failed.
HOPPER THERM FAIL - The thermistor sensor for
the hopper failed.
HPCO H/C - The h igh pressure switch opened
during the heat treatment cycle.
Faults Occurring While in AUTO Mode
(L/R) HPR>41F (5C) AFTER 4 HR - The mix
temperature in the hopper was above 41°F (5°C)
more than four hours.
(L/R) BRL>41F (5C) AFTER 4 HR - The mix
temperature in the freezing cylinder was above 41°F
(5°C) more than four hours.
(L/R) HPR>41F (5C) AFTER PF - The mix
temperature in the hopper was above 41°F (5°C)
more than four hours following a power failure.
(L/R) BRL>41F (5C) AFTER PF - The mix
temperature in the freezing cylinder was above 41°F
(5°C) more than four hours following a power failure.
(L/R) HPR>45F (7C) AFTER 1 HR - The mix
temperature in the left or right hopper was above
45_F(7_C) more than one hour .
(L/R) BRL>45F (7C) AFTER 1 HR - The mix
temperature in the left or right barrel w as above
45_F(7_C) more than one hour .
(L/R) HPR>59F (15C) - The m ix temperature in the
hopper exceeded 59°F (15°C).
(L/R) BRL>59F (15C) - The mix temperature in the
hopper exceeded 59°F (15°C).