Model C722Operating Procedures
Step 13
To install the freezer door, insert the baffle rods
through the beaters in the freezing cylinders.
Figure 49
With the door seated on the freezer studs, install the
handscrews. Use the long handscrews on the top
and the short handscrews on the bottom. Tighten
them equally in a criss-cross pattern to insure the
door is snug.
Step 14
Slide the three o-rings into the grooves of each
standard draw valve. Slide the H-ring and o-ring into
the grooves of the center draw valve. Lubricate the
H-ring and o-rings.
Figure 50
Step 15
Lubricate the inside of the freezer door spouts, top
and bottom.
Figure 51
Step 16
Insert the draw valves from the bottom until the slot
in each draw valve comes into view.
Figure 52
Step 17
Position each draw handle with the adjustment
screw facing down. Slide the fork of each draw
handle into the slot of each draw valve, starting from
the right.
Figure 53