Models 340, 341, 342 Important: T o the Operator
Section 5 Important: To the Operator
Figure 1
1 Control Switch
2 Consistency Control
3 Indicator Light -- “Add Mix”
Symbol Definitions
To better communicate in the International arena, the
words on many of our operator switches and buttons
have symbols to indicate their functions. Your Taylor
equipment is designed with these International
The following chart identifies the symbol definitions
used on the operator switches.
Control Switch
The center position is “OFF”. The left position is
“WASH”, which activates only the beater motor. The
right position is “AUTO”, which activates the beater
motor and the refrigeration system.
Consistency Control
The viscosity (thickness) of the slush is controlled by
a sensing device called the consistency control. The
consistency control knob is located under the control
channel. To achieve a thicker slush, turn the knob
clockwise and counterclockwise to achieve a
thinner slush consistency.
Allow the refrigeration system to cycle on and cycle off
two or three times before an accurate consistency can
be evaluated.
Indicator Light - “Add Mix”
A mix level indicating light is located on the front of the
machine. When the light is on, it indicates that the mix
hopper has a l ow supply of mix and should be refilled
as soon as possible. If mix is not added, a freeze-up
may occur, causing eventual damage to the beater,
blades, drive shaft, and freezer door.
For Your Information
The Models 340 and 341 c ome equipped with an
optional rack assembly and four syrup jars. Each syrup
jar holds 16 ounces (453.6 grams) of syrup. One pump
stroke will dispense 1/4 ounce (7 grams) of syrup.
Because of the many different types of syrups on the
market today, the syrup to slush ratio will vary. Consult
the label or manufacturer for the proper amount of
syrup for the desired drink size.
To serve slush product, simply add the flavor and open
the draw valve. The slush product should blend with
the syrup with no stirring necessary. If it does not, the
product is too thick and the consistency control should
be adjusted to a thinner consistency.