2. With the voltage lock in the unlocked position (switched right to VOLTAGE), set the voltage output
to the voltage selection that is equal to or one increment higher than the voltage identified for
your device. To do this, press the voltage selector until the voltage indicator turns on under the
appropriate voltage selection (3, 4.5, 5, 6, 7.5, 9, 12, 14 for MP3300 and 5, 6, 7.5, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19
for MP3400). For example, if your device requires 6V, set the voltage to 6. If your device requires
7.2V, set the voltage to 7.5.
It is important to set the voltage selector NO MORE than one step higher than the voltage requirement
for the portable device as an incorrect setting may prevent myPower ALL from working with your
device, or may harm your device in the rare instance that the device accepts the higher voltage.
However, for all devices, adjusting the voltage ONLY one step higher than required will not harm the
The following table provides recommended voltage settings by device type.
Device Type Voltage on Device Suggested Voltage on
Power Adapter myPower ALL
Notebook Computers
14V 12V
16V 14V
19V 14 - 16V
24V 19V
Portable DVD Players
9V 7.5 - 9V
12V 9 - 12V
Digital Cameras 5 - 6V 5 - 6V
CD Players 4.5 - 5V 5V
PDAs 5V 5V
Mobile Phones 3.7 - 5V 5V
9V 7.5 - 9V
12V 9 - 12V
MP3/MP4 5V 5V
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