Adjustment Procedures
1780R-Series Service Manual
l. Use the variable VECTOR GAIN control to place the burst vector dot(s)
to the graticule reference 75% mark(s). If necessary, use the VERT and
HORIZ POS controls to center the vector display center dot.
m. Remove the 75 W termination from CH A INPUT.
n. Turn the variable VECTOR GAIN control fully counterclockwise to its
minimum gain position. Check that the vector display center dot is
o. Adjust Chroma Gain Range (A6R572) to place the burst vector dot(s)
halfway between the 75% and 100% graticule reference mark(s). The
color vectors will be decreased by approximately 10%.
p. Connect three 75 W feed-through terminators in series between the
television test signal generator Color Bar cable and the 1780R-Series
q. Check that the burst vector(s) can be moved to the compass rose by
adjusting the variable VECTOR GAIN control.
r. Set the VECTOR GAIN-VAR mode to Off.
s. Remove two of the feed-through terminators from the television test
signal generator Color Bar cable.
t. Check that the button under the Vectorscope CRT is On. Press the
CALIBRATE button to On. Check that the Waveform CRT readout
indicates that the CAL OSC is set to OFF. For NTSC (1780R) only:
Select GAIN 1 CAL (SETUP) on the Waveform CRT. For PAL (1781R):
Select GAIN CAL.
u. Turn the Precision Measurement control to place the color vectors in
their boxes.
v. For NTSC (1780R) only: Set the NTSC generator Setup button to 0%.
Select GAIN 2 CAL (NO SETUP) on the Waveform CRT and repeat part
u. of this step. Set the NTSC generator Setup button to 7.5%.
w. Set the television test signal generator Color Bar Ampl button to 100%.
x. Push the CONFIGURE button. Select PAGE 2 and touch the
BARS-100% pad. Press the CONFIGURE button to exit the menu.
y. Adjust 100% Gain Set (A6R568) so that the color vector dots are in their
z. Set the television test signal generator Color Bar Ampl button to 75%.
aa. Push the CONFIGURE button. Select PAGE 2 and touch the
BARS-75% pad. Press the CONFIGURE button to exit the menu.