TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A Service Manual
Besides these channels, up to three math waveforms and four reference wave-
forms are available for display. (A math waveform results when you specify dual
waveform operations, such as add, on any two channels. A reference waveform
results when you save a waveform in a reference memory.)
Horizontal System
There are three horizontal display modes: main only, main intensified, and
delayed only. You can select among various horizontal record length settings.
A feature called “Fit to Screen” allows you to view entire waveform records
within the 10 division screen area. In other words, waveforms are compressed to
fit on the screen. See Table 1–2.
Table 1–2: Record Length vs. Divisions per Record, Samples per Division and
Sec/Div Sequence
Divisions per Record
Sample/Division (Sec/Div Sequence)
Fit to Screen OFF
50 (1–2–5)
Fit to Screen ON
(Sample/Div & Sec/Div
Sequence varies)
500 10 divs 10 divs
1000 20 divs 10 divs
2500 50 divs 10 divs
5000 100 divs 10 divs
15000 300 divs 15 divs
50000 (TDS 7XXA only) 1,000 divs 10 divs
75000 (TDS 7XXA opt. 1M only) 1,500 divs 15 divs
100000 (TDS 7XXA opt. 1M only) 2,000 divs 10 divs
130000 (TDS 7XXA opt. 1M only) 2,600 divs 13 divs
250000 (TDS 7XXA opt. 1M only,
1 or 2 channels)
5,000 divs 10 divs
500000 (TDS 7XXA opt. 1M only,
1 channel)
10,000 divs 10 divs
Both the delayed only display and the intensified zone on the main intensified
display may be delayed by time with respect to the main trigger. Both can be set
to display immediately after the delay (delayed runs after main mode). The
delayed display can also be set to display at the first valid trigger after the delay
(delayed-triggerable modes).