AWG510 & AWG520 Service Manual
Inspection and Cleaning
Inspection and Cleaning describes how to inspect for dirt and damage. It also
describes how to clean the exterior and interior of the AWG510 and AWG520
Arbitrary Waveform Generators. Inspection and cleaning are done as preventive
maintenance. Preventive maintenance, when done regularly, may prevent the
waveform generator malfunctions and enhance its reliability.
Preventive maintenance consists of visually inspecting and cleaning the
waveform generator and using general care when operating it.
How often to do maintenance depends on the severity of the environment in
which the waveform generator is used. A proper time to perform preventive
maintenance is just before generator adjustment.
The cabinet helps keep dust out of the waveform generator and should normally
be in place when operating the generator. The generator’s front cover protects the
front panel and display from dust and damage. Install it when storing or
transporting the generator.
Inspect and clean the waveform generator as often as operating conditions
require. The collection of dirt on components inside can cause them to overheat
and breakdown. (Dirt acts as an insulating blanket, preventing efficient heat
dissipation.) Dirt also provides an electrical conduction path
that could cause an
generator failure, especially under high-humidity conditions.
CAUTION. Avoid the use of chemical cleaning agents which might damage the
plastics used in this waveform generator. Use only deionized water when
cleaning the menu buttons or front-panel buttons. Use a ethyl alcohol solution as
a cleaner and rinse with deionized water.
General Care
Inspection and Cleaning