Appendix C: User Service
TSG 601 User Manual
Low-battery shut down can happen with little or no warning if, for
instance, the instrument has been left on by mistake with Auto Power
Down disabled. In such cases, the TSG 601 is likely to shut itself
down almost immediately the next time you switch it on. If this hap-
G Install fresh batteries or operate the instrument with the AC
adapter, and
G Confirm that the diagnostic menu Battery Type setting is
The shut down threshold is higher for rechargeable batteries than for
disposable. Therefore, you will receive a false BATTERY LOW
message and may experience premature shut down if using Alkaline
batteries when the Battery Type is set to “rechargeable.” On the oth-
er hand, NiCad batteries may be damaged—they can lose their “re-
chargeability”—if they are discharged to the TSG 601 threshold for
disposable batteries. Be sure to select the correct Battery Type.
The Diagnostic Menu
To enter the diagnostic menu, hold the Lock Out button down while
pressing the ON button. To exit the diagnostic menu and resume nor-
mal operation, press any of the rectangular buttons at the top of the
The diagnostic menu items are listed below. Use the up (
Y) and
down (
B) arrow keys to scroll up and down the list.
disable A"
1. Auto power-down; use the left (A) or right (") arrow key to
toggle between enabled and disabled.
The Auto Power Down function shuts the TSG 601 off when there
has been no key press for approximately 10 minutes, to conserve
battery charge. The Auto Power Down symbol (a rotating line) ap-
pears in the upper-right corner of the display when the function is