Spec i fi ca tions
Over all
RF Fre quency Range ......................470 - 608 MHz, 614 - 740 MHz in 18 MHz TX and RX bands
Power Re quire ments .......................................100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz, IEC re cep ta cle
Tem per a ture Range ..............................................-4° F to 130° F (-20° C to 55° C)
Di men sions .............................19.00” W x 1.72” H x 14.00” D (48.3 cm x 4.4 cm x 35.6 cm)
Weight ...................................................................7 lbs 2 oz (3.24 kg)
TX An tenna ............................................1/2 Wave (sup plied), TNC Male Con nec tor
RX An tenna ............................................1/2 Wave (sup plied), TNC Male Con nec tor
FCC ID: .........................................................................B5DM514
Fre quency Re sponse..............................................................300Hz-8kHz
Four Wire In put ................................................Level Ad just able (2 Vrms typ i cal)
Four Wire Out put ...............................................Level Ad just able (2 Vrms typ i cal)
Telex In ter com....................In put/Out put Level Ad just able (1 Vrms typ i cal), Line im ped ance 300W
RTS In ter com.................In put/Out put Level Ad just able (0.775 Vrms typ i cal), Line Im ped ance 200W
Clear-Com® In ter com ............. In put/Out put Level Ad just able (1 Vrms typ i cal), Line Im ped ance 200W
Aux il iary In put ......................................................Ad just able (2 Vrms typ i cal)
Aux il iary Out put ............................................Ad just able (2 Vrms typ i cal into 600W)
Stage An nounce Out put ................In ter nally Ad just able (2 Vrms typ i cal at rated de vi a tion into 600W)
Stage An nounce Re lay .......................................Dry con tact, rated at 1 Amp, 24V Max
Mi cro phone in put sen si tiv ity .............................................................9mV
Lo cal Head set Out put ......................................40mW out put into 600W (1% Dis tor tion)
Trans mit ter
Type .............................................Two Syn the sized Trans mit ters, 712 chan nels each
Trans mit Power (each trans mit ter)..............................100mW Max. (High), 10 mW (Nor mal)
Mod u la tion Type........................................................................FM
De vi a tion .............................................................40 kHz (35 kHz Eu rope)
RF Fre quency Sta bil ity................................................................0.005%
Mod u la tion Lim iter ................................................Peak-Responding Com pres sor
Ra di ated Har monics & Spu ri ous ........................................Ex ceeds FCC spec i fi ca tions
Re ceiver
Type..........Dual Con ver sion Super het ero dyne, four In de pend ent Syn the sized IFs, FM, 712 chan nels each
RF Sen si tiv ity........................................................<0.8 µV for 12 dB SINAD
Squelch Thresh old ..............................................................20 dB SINAD
IF Se lec tiv ity.................................................................3 dB at 230 kHz
Im age Re jec tion ...............................................................70 dB or better
Squelch Quieting......................................................................90 dB
RF Fre quency Sta bil ity................................................................0.005%
Dis tor tion ...............................................................<1% at full de vi a tion