Connection Notes
Typical connections for the US2000A, ES4000A and various power supplies are
shown starting with Figure 6, page 14. Select the configuration which most
closely matches your intended usage.
The US2000A and ES4000A normally draw operating power from the intercom
channel power supplies (SPS2000A, PS2000L, etc.). Alternatively, you can use
optional PS-L Wall-pack Power Supplies. If you are using PS-L Wall-packs,
connect them to the 12-15 VDC jacks on the back panels of the US2000A and
ES4000A. When PS-L Wall-packs are used, the US2000A / ES4000A will not
draw power from the intercom channel power supplies, leaving more power for
belt packs.
Important: The PS-L power supply only provides power for the station that it is
connected to. You cannot use a PS-L to power the intercom channels!
• Never connect more than 1 SPS2000A, PS2000L, or PS4000 Power Supply to
the same intercom channel. This will cause poor audio quality and increased
noise. Typically, all power supplies are located at a central location, such as a
central master station. This lets the central master station operator turn off the
intercom system when it is not being used.
Termination Plugs: The ES4000A is supplied with 2 termination plugs for spe-
cial applications where 1 or more channels are unpowered. Figures 12, page 20
and 13, page 21 show examples of how to use these plugs. If all of your inter-
com channels will be powered from an SPS2000A, PS2000L, or PS4000 power
supply, the termination plugs are not needed.