Using this menu you can change the order the
channels have been arranged in during automatic set-
up, name and rename channels and delete duplicate
channels or those with poor reception quality.
Follow the help messages at the bottom of the screen
and refer to a TV programme guide to help identify
the channels.
Arranging channels in order
Select the option Select programme
Display the channel number to be changed using the PR+/PR- buttons or the 0-9 keys.
Select the option Swap with programme. Enter the new programme number using the 0-9 keys.
Press OK to confirm. When you successfully finish the swap, the bottom help line will show
“ The programmes have been swapped“ message. Follow the same procedure for the other channels.
Deleting channels
Select the option Select programme
Display the channel number to be deleted using the PR+/PR- buttons or the 0-9 keys.
Select the Delete programme option and press the OK button to delete the channel.
Once this channel has been deleted the bottom help line will show “ The programme has been
deleted“ message.
Naming or renaming channels
Select the Select programme
Display the number of the channel whose name you want to change using the PR+/PR- buttons.
The relevant channel appears. Select the Change pr. name option and press the ÿ button to place the
cursor on the first character.
Using the Ÿ / ⁄ buttons, select a character from the list, which includes letters from the alphabet, numbers
between 0 and 9, the characters +,. and space. Go on to the next character or back to the previous character
using the / ÿ buttons and start the procedure again.
Press OK to confirm. Names can have a maximum of six characters.
Press EXIT to close the menu.
Note : You may subsequently return to ORGANISER menu :
Display the OVERVIEW menu by pressing the MENU button.
Select the Installation option and press OK to confirm.
Select the relevant country and press OK.
Select the Organiser option from the INSTALLATION menu and press OK to confirm.