Safety Section 1-3
© 2006Alamo Group Inc.
FLX15/10 04/06
Si no lee Ingles, pida ayuda a alguien que si lo lea para que le
traduzca las medidas de seguridad. (SG-3)
Never operate the Tractor or Implement until you have read and
completely understand this Manual, the Tractor Operator’s Manual,
and each of the Safety Messages found in the Manual or on the
Tractor and Implement. Learn how to stop the tractor engine
suddenly in an emergency. Never allow inexperienced or untrained
personnel too operate the Tractor and Implement without supervi-
sion. Make sure the operator has fully read and understood the
manuals prior to operation. (SG-4)
Always maintain the safety decals in good readable condition. If the
decals are missing, damaged, or unreadable, obtain and install replace-
ment decals immediately. (SG-5)
Operate this Equipment only with a Tractor equipped with an ap-
proved roll-over-protective system (ROPS). Always wear seat belts.
Serious injury or even death could result from falling off the tractor-
-particularly during a turnover when the operator could be pinned
under the ROPS. (SG-7)
Do not modify or alter this Implement. Do not permit anyone to
modify or alter this Implement, any of its components or any Imple-
ment function. (SG-8)
BEFORE leaving the tractor seat, always engage the brake and/or set
the tractor transmission in parking gear, disengage the PTO, stop the
engine, remove the key, and wait for all moving parts to stop. Place the
tractor shift lever into a low range or parking gear to prevent the tractor
from rolling. Never dismount a Tractor that is moving or while the engine
is running. Operate the Tractor controls from the tractor seat only.
Never allow children or other persons to ride on the Tractor or Implement.
Falling off can result in serious injury or death.
Make certain that the “Slow Moving Vehicle” (SMV) sign is installed in
such a way as to be clearly visible and legible. When transporting the
Equipment use the Tractor flashing warning lights and follow all local traffic
regulations. (SG-6)