Timer Mode
Timer mode allows you to set a time from which the watch
counts down to zero,making this feature useful for fixed-time
events.The Timer can be set to stop, repeat the countdown con-
tinuously, or switch to Chrono mode at the completion of the
You can press MODE to switch the watch display to any other
mode,such as Time of Day,while the Timer is running without dis-
rupting its operation.The Timer icon will appear to indicate that
the Timer is operating.
To Alarm/
Hold to
go to Time
of Day
Stop Timer/
Reset, If
Start Timer
Set Timer
Timer Operation
1. Press START/SPLIT to start the Timer counting down.
2. Press STOP/RESETto stop the countdown.
3.With the Timer stopped,press START/SPLITto resume the
countdown or STOP/RESET to reset the Timer to the start
4.When the timer reaches zero,it sounds an alert.The backlight
will also activate to allow you to see the watch in a darkened
• If the Timer was set to stop, it will be stopped after the alert.
• If the Timer was set to repeat,it resets to the start time and
immediately begins another countdown. It continues repeating
until STOP/RESET is pressed.The repeat count is displayed in
the lower line of the display.The watch will count up to 99 rep-
etitions,after which it will rollover to 0 and continue.
• If the Timer was set to start the Chrono, the watch will auto-
matically switch to the Chrono and start it.