➤ GPS Battery Level: The current voltage level for the GPS-3D
Sensor displayed in bar graph format. You must be receiving data
from the GPS-3D Sensor to view this information. When the graph
displays only one segment (you will also see the battery icon on the
Watch display), you should change the battery.
GPS functions in Basic Timer Mode
With the addition of the GPS-3D Sensor, you can set the timer to
switch to either Vertical (VERTI) or Finish (FINISH) Mode at the
end of timing an event.
GPS functions in Configure Mode
For information on accessing Configure Mode settings refer to
page 40. GPS-3D Sensor data viewing options for Configure Mode
include data for the following five data groups:
S+D settings: Speed and distance settings affect the Watch
response to data received from the GPS-3D Sensor.
Altitude settings: Altitude settings configure target altitude and
set smoothing and ascent rate calculations.
Hands-Free settings: Hands-free settings provide options to
configure the Watch to operate automatically in conjunction with
the GPS-3D Sensor.
Watch settings: Watch settings provide options for customizing the
general operation of the Watch, including hiding data
or modes.
activity; Maximum Speed is the fastest speed read by the GPS-3D
Sensor during your activity. The two values may not agree because
they come from different sources of data.
➤ Average Speed: Your average speed calculated by dividing
distance by time.
➤ Maximum Speed: Your quickest speed.
➤ Average Pace: Your average speed expressed as minutes per
distance unit traveled.
➤ Best Pace: Your fastest time traveled per minute.
➤ Event Distance: Your accumulated distance traveled during the
activity while the chronograph was running.
➤ Odometer: Your accumulated distance traveled since you last
manually reset the odometer. Since the odometer does not
operate in conjunction with the chronograph, you can use this
feature to track accumulated distance over several workouts.
➤ Event Time: The total time for your activity while the
chronograph was running. Event time is equivalent to split time
in the chronograph modes.