Connect the cable from the wall
to the RF splitter
Connect your cable source to the RF splitter’s
IN or INPUT jack.
Note: If the cable from the wall is connected
to your cable box, remove it and connect it to
RF splitter as shown.
Connect the RF splitter to your
cable box and the DVR
Connect two RF Coaxial cables to the RF
splitter’s OUTPUT jacks.
Then connect one of the cables to the RF IN
jack on your cable box, and the other to the
CABLE RF IN jack on the DVR.
ᕥ Connect your TV
Connect a Composite A/V cable (red, white, and
yellow) from the DVR’s OUT jacks to your TV’s
Audio/Video INPUT.
Alternate: If your TV doesn’t have Composite A/V
(red, white, and yellow) input jacks, connect a
Coaxial RF cable from the RF OUT jack on the
DVR to the Antenna In jack on your TV. Then set
the Channel 3/4 switch on the back of the DVR,
and tune your TV to the same channel.
ᕤ Connect your cable box to the DVR
Connect a Composite A/V cable (red, white, and
yellow) from the cable box’s Audio/Video OUT
jacks to the DVR’s Audio/Video IN jacks.
Cable Box
RF InAudio/Video Out
Cable Box
Choose this option if you have a home network with a broadband Internet connection.
Use the connection that works with your type of home network: Wired or Wireless
Wired (Ethernet) – Connect an Ethernet cable (sold
separately) from your home network to the TiVo DVR’s
Ethernet jack (the upper jack pictured here).
Wireless – Connect a compatible wireless USB network
adapter (sold separately) to one of the DVR’s USB
. The TiVo
Wireless USB adapter pictured here
is available at www.tivo.com/store.
Choose this option if you don’t have a home network with a
broadband Internet connection. Connect the provided
phone cord from the DVR to a nearby wall jack.
Use the provided phone line splitter if the DVR is sharing
the wall jack with a telephone.
ᕦ Connect to the TiVo
service: Network OR Phone
Your TiVo DVR needs to connect to the TiVo service to receive program listings, service updates,
and other information. Choose how your DVR will connect: Network or Phone
Connect a Channel Changing cable – Choose one from cable bag
The DVR uses one of these cables to tell your cable box when to change the channel.
Use the Serial Cable if:
you have a Motorola/General Instruments
DCT2000 series cable box with a serial (data) port:
Use the IR Cable if:
you have any other kind of cable box, or you tried the
Serial cable and it didn’t work with your cable box.
If you’re not using the Serial cable, plug
the purple end of the IR cable into the
CHANNEL CHANGING/IR jack (the lower
control jack) on the back of the DVR.
Plug the Serial cable into the 9-pin Serial (Data)
jack (like the one below) on the back of your
cable box.
Plug the other end into the CHANNEL
CHANGING/SERIAL jack (the upper control jack)
on the back of the DVR.
Then continue with Step
ᕨ below.
Then go to Step ᕧ for positioning the other
ends of the IR cable on your cable box.
Plug in the DVR’s
power cord.
Lights on the front panel show
that it’s powered on.
Tune your TV (if necessary)
to see the Welcome screen
Turn on your TV.
Tip: If you don’t see the Welcome screen, use the
Input, Source, or TV/Video button on your TV remote
or TV to select the correct audio/video source.
Press the button until you see the Welcome screen.
Alternate: If you used a Coaxial RF cable in Step ᕥ, tune your TV to the same channel
(either 3 or 4) that the CHANNEL 3/4 switch on the back of the DVR is set to.
When you see the Welcome screen, you’re ready to begin
Guided Setup, which
customizes the DVR for your home.
If you need help, see the Troubleshooting chapter in the Viewer’s Guide or visit
Positioning the IR cable on your cable box
The IR cable’s emitters beam infrared channel change signals to the IR sensor on
your cable box–just like a remote control does.
Place the emitters in front of the cable box’s IR sensor (one on top of the cable
box and one on bottom). Be sure both emitters stick out about 1 ½ inches directly
in front of the IR sensor. Use the adhesive strips provided to keep them in place.
Cable Box
How do I find the IR sensor on my cable box?
The IR sensor on the front of your cable box is a tiny round bulb. If you
shine a flashlight into the dark plastic “window,” you can see it.
Here are some common cable box models:
General Instruments/
Motorola DCT2000 Series (newer)
General Instruments/
Motorola DCT2000 Series (older)
Pioneer Voyager 3000
Scientific Atlanta Explorer 4200 Scientific Atlanta Explorer 2100
General Instruments/
Motorola DCT5000, DCT6000 Series
Indicates the approximate position of the IR Sensor
Turn this poster over for some troubleshooting tips. Check out the Troubleshooting chapter in the Viewer’s Guide for more help with
connecting your TiVo DVR, completing Guided Setup, and using the TiVo service. If you have more questions, visit www.tivo.com/support
to find the Getting Started Guide, Help Forums, Guided Troubleshooting, Frequently Asked Questions, and more.
Need some help?
IR (infrared)
Control cable
and Cable Bag
Control cable
RF splitter (splits your
incoming cable signal
to enable dual tuner if
you have a cable box)
Coaxial RF cable
for audio & video
Coaxial RF cable
for audio & video
Composite A/V cable for
stereo audio (red & white
ends) & video (yellow end)
Phone cord
Phone splitter
Power cord
Use Cable Bag
You may need to purchase additional cables (e.g. Composite A/V or S-Video) depending on your home equipment.
If you don’t have a cable box, turn this poster over
Two Shows
at Once
To learn more about Dual Tuner, see the Tours in Chapter 1 of the Viewer’s Guide.
Your cable box receives both basic cable
channels (typically 1-99) and digital cable
channels (typically 100 and above).
When you connect the RF splitter as shown in
ᕢ above, you are connecting basic cable
channels directly to the TiVo DVR, and digital
cable channels to the cable box.
Digital cable channels are encoded and need the
cable box to decode them. Because the cable box
decodes and sends only one digital cable channel
at a time, the TiVo DVR can record only one digital
cable channel at a time.
The TiVo DVR can record two basic cable
channels at the same time, or one basic and one
digital cable channel at the same time.
Connect all cables from the OUT jack
of one device to the IN jack of the next.
Never connect OUT to OUT or IN to IN.
RF splitter