Background music (BGM)
Eight (8) different BGM channels are available for selection.
1) It is possible to make or receive a call even when
the BGM is on. In this event, the call automatically
takes over the BGM. The interrupted BGM is auto-
matically restored as soon as the call is finished.
2) Even when all speech paths are occupied, the de-
sired BGM channel can be selected.
3) If it is desirable to hear other sounds than BGM, this
can be accomplished by connecting such external
equipment as an air-monitor microphone or radio
equipment instead of the BGM equipment.
4) The following equipment is required to have the
BGM function in the system.
CP-66 central processing unit (version 1.20/2.10)
LM-65C line modem unit
anyone frame of FR-610A, FR-620A, FR-630A or
BOX-08 terminal box
external BGM equipment
5) If the LM-62C and/or the LM-62A are mixed up with
the LM-65C in the system, the stations connected to
the LM-65C only can be heard the BGM.
BGM equipment 1
BGM equipment 2
BGM equipment 3
BGM equipment 8
Radio equipment
BGM equipment 1
BGM equipment 2
(channel No. 1~8),
and the selected BGM is broadcast from the station. To
disconnect the BGM, dial