
GreenKeeper 212 Components
The following are brief descriptions of the controller com-
ponents and display elements. Each of these items will
be explained in further detail within the appropriate pro-
gramming, operating and installation sections of this
1 - LCD Display
A -
“Start Time” symbol – Alarm clock is displayed
when setting the program start times.
B - Program start time identification numbers 14.
C - Main display of various time values and prompts.
D - Program A, B and C identifiers.
E - Watering On symbol Water droplet indicates a
watering station is running. Droplet flashes if water-
ing is paused.
F - Watering Off symbol Water droplet with slash
indicates all watering activity is Off.
G - Power Off symbol Displayed when 24 V a.c. is
disconnected and controller is on battery power
H - Low Battery Voltage symbol Indicates low bat-
tery voltage (when transformer is disconnected).
I - Watering Station identification numbers.
J - Percent symbol Indicates the Season Adjust
feature is in use.
K - Day of the week identifiers.
L - Run Time symbol Hourglass is displayed when
setting the watering station run times.
2 - Control Buttons
+/ON button Increases the time display, scrolls for-
ward through the program information and selects
watering days.
–/OFF button Decreases the time display, scrolls
backward through the program information and
removes watering days.
NEXT button Advances to the next portion of pro-
gram information. Resumes watering if paused.
Advances through stations manually when watering.
MANUAL START button Selects and starts manual
watering operations.
3 - Control Dial Selects all controller programming
and operation controls (except Manual Start).
Control Dial Positions
RUN The normal dial position for all automatic
and manual operations.
CURRENT TIME/DAY Enables the clock time
and day to be set.
WATERING DAYS Enables the watering day
schedules to be set and reviewed.
PROGRAM START TIME Enables the program
start times to be set and reviewed.
STATION TIMES Enables the station run time to
be set and reviewed.