Groundsmaster 4000--D/4010--D Page 5 -- 7 Electrical System
4. Turn the ignition switch to the ON position, but do not
start machine.
NOTE: The red text on the Diagnostic Display overlay
decal refers to input switches and the green text refers
to TEC outputs.
5. Make sure that the “INPUTS DISPLAYED” LED, on
lower right column of the Diagnostic Display, is illumi-
nated. If “OUTPUTS DISPLAYED” LED is illuminated,
press the toggle button on the Diagnostic Display to
6. The Diagnostic Display will illuminate the LED
associatedwith each oftheinputs when that inputswitch
is closed. Individually, change each ofthe switches from
open to closed (i.e., sit on seat, press traction pedal,
etc.), and note that the appropriateLED on theDiagnos-
tic Display will illuminatewhen thecorresponding switch
is closed. Repeat on each switch that is possible to be
changed by hand (see Inputs and LED Operation c hart
on following page).
NOTE: When the Diagnostic Display is attached to the
wire harness connector and the ignition switch is in the
ON position, the input LED for hydraulic temp and cool-
ant temp should be illuminated. If the wire harness con-
nector is disconnected from either of these sensors, the
appropriate LED should go off after a few second delay.
Then, if the harness connector is reattached to the sen-
sor, the input LED should again illuminate a fter a few
7. If appropriate LED does not toggle on and off when
switch state is changed, check all wiring and connec-
tions to that switch and/or test switch (see Component
Testing in this chapter). Replace any defective switches
and repair any damaged wiring.
8. After input functions testing is complete, disconnect
the Diagnostic Display connector from the harness con-
nector and plug loopback connector into wire harness.
Secure controller cover to frame.
Figure 9
Figure 10