There are a number of settings within the SA41 that can be changed via the front panel push keys (push
buttons). These allow you to tailor the SA41 inverter and ENERGY MANAGEMENT sections to suit
your system requirements.
Settings are accessed by holding down the NEXT DISPLAY key for at least 1 second whilst in any
"Readings" display. The value of the parameter displayed can be modified by pressing the UP or
DOWN keys.
Pressing the NEXT DISPLAY key will take you to the next parameter to be set. Pressing the NEXT
DISPLAY key after the last parameter is displayed will take you back to the "Readings" displays.
Please note: If DC power is disconnected from the inverter, the "Settings" which have been entered
will be saved and held in permanent memory. However these settings are not saved until the display is
returned to "Readings".
has 2 control outputs, as mentioned on page 25, each of
which can be activated with time, inverter cutout and/or low ampere-hours. The six settings are
displayed as OFF, ON, TIME, INV CO, LO A/H and CO+LAH respectively
For simplicity, the displays shown are for control output 1 only. Control output 2 settings are identical
to control output 1. Pressing the UP or DOWN keys will change the setting.
On with : OFF
[Set Control 1]
On with : ON
[Set Control 1]
On with : TIME
[Set Control 1]
The control 1 output will remain off at all times.
The control 1 output will remain on at all times.
The control 1 output will come on at the Start Day, Start Hour and Start
Minute that is set in the three screens below.
The Start Day can be set to ALL which will turn the output on every day
at the set time. Pressing the UP or DOWN keys will change the setting.
The output will remain on for the time set in "Duration". (see next page)
Start Day : SUN
[Set Control 1]
Start Min : 30
[Set Control 1]
Start Hour : 16
[Set Control 1]