10. Warranty Information
(48 contiguous U.S. States, Canada & Mexico)
TOSHIBA INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION (“TIC”) warrants that any Uninterruptible
Power System (“UPS”) and Uninterruptible Power System Battery (“BATTERY”) (internal UPS
battery and/or external battery cabinet) sold by TIC to an end user (“User”) shall be free of
defects in material and workmanship. This warranty applies to all UPS series in table below:
Unit kVA
On-Site (4)
No, Depot Depot Only
Note (1)
Shipment date is determined by date on the TIC Bill of Lading.
Note (2)
For 1000
Series UPS the warranty applies if the units are sent and returned (paid for) by the user
to/from the Toshiba Plant or a Toshiba designated Authorized Service Center.
Note (3)
Shipment date is determined by date on the TIC Bill of Lading * 24 month full replacement, 36 month
pro-rated warranty (5 yr total)
Note (4)
For 1000 Series UPS the warranty applies if the units are sent and returned (paid for) by the user to/from
the Toshiba Plant or a Toshiba Designated Authorized Service Center.
Note (5)
Toshiba Service dispatch available at normal business hours. Contacting Toshiba is possible 24 hours 7
days a week. User can purchase 24x7 dispatch programs offered through TIC’s Service Department.
TIC also encourages users to review TIC’s UPS Preventative and Scheduled Maintenance/Parts
Programs for Premium coverage.
If any UPS, UPS parts, and/or BATTERY fail to conform or is defective then TIC, at its option, will repair or
replace it at the premises of the User (On-Site), The warranty period for a UPS or a UPS part is 12-36 months
from shipment except for cases stated in table above. The warranty period for the BATTERY is 24 months
from shipment except for cases stated in the table above