FF Fast-forwaMs.
(_g) Rewinds/reverses.
AV4_ Navigate contents menu, etc.
@ Enters contents menu, etc.
(3 Returns to the previous menu.
Note: These functions depend on the devices
REGZA-LINK ®Player Control menu
1 Press 0 and open the Pre{ereuces menu.
_) Highlight REGZA-LINRPlayer C0utr01and press @.
3 Press A or V to select the item you want to
control and press @.
Power Turns the select device on and off.
Root Accesses the top menu of the selected
Menu device.
Accesses thecontents list when you press
@. At this time, theREGZA-LINKPlayer
Cuutrulmenu willdisappem:
Setup Accesses the setup menu of a DVD
Menu player.
Top Menu Accesses the top menu ofa DVD.
Menu Accesses the menu of a DVD.
No re:
*These functions depend on the devices that are
*The REGZA-LINKPlayer Control item will be
grayed out ill the following conditions:
_A non-HDMl input is currently selected.
- The EnableREGZA-HNgitem is set to Off.
- The connected CEC device is not a
playback or recording device.
If a REGZA-LINK device with HDM[ switching
capability (e.g. Audio Receiver) is connected to
the HDM[ input, you call select another REGZA-
LINK device that is connected to the master HDM[
device using the TV's INPUT button. See page 35 for
VOLUMEand MUTE controls of Audio
With your TV's remote control, you call adjust or
mute the sound volume of the Audio Receiver. First,
set the MODE SELECT switch oil the remote control
to IV.
• _ v_ adjust the volume level.
• (3 turns off the sound.
° To use this function:
- Set Speaker Preference to Audio Receiver in
the REGZA-LINK Setup menu.
- Confirm that a connected REGZA-L/NK device
(such as DVD player, etc) is selected for the
Audio Receiver input soume.
. Youcan also use this function when the audio
receiver is connected to the TV's DIGITAl_
AUDIO OUT terminal (not HDMI connection).
In this case, select a digital audio input mode
on the Audio Receive_
o These functions depend on the device
Other REGZA-LINR®functions
When the Enable REGZA-UNRand each item ill the
REGZA-LINRSetup menu are set to 0u, the following
functions will be enabled.
Ifa connected HDMI device starts
TV Auto playingvideo oraudio, theTV will
input Switch automatically switchto the appropriate
HDMI input.
TV Auto lfa REGZA-LINK device isturnedon,
Power theTV turns onauk)matically.
IftheTV is turnedoff"theTV will send
Device Auto
a messageto turn off allofthe REGZA-
Standby LINK devicesconnected to theTV.
(c'onrin ued)
40_46 55G300U EN-ASindb 57 2010/3/16 T£-05:44:18