Important : Full terms and conditions of this Warranty are available on www.mytoshiba.com.au
or www.mytoshiba.co.nz , or upon request from the Toshiba Support Centre.
Certain legislation including the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 and other State or Territory legislation
that might apply imply warranties and conditions into consumer contracts. These warranties and conditions ex-
ist separately from and are not affected by the Warranty referred to in this booklet. Subject to such legislation
and to the Warranty contained in this booklet all warranties, conditions and liability implied by law that may be
excluded are hereby excluded and Toshiba shall not be liable for any direct or indirect loss or damage of any
kind arising from the goods or your use of them (including but not limited to loss of prots and incidental or
consequential loss or damage).
If you acquire the goods from Toshiba through it’s Authorised Resellers and Distributors for the purposes of a
business then pursuant to section 43(2) of the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (“CGA”) it is agreed that the
provisions of the CGA do not apply. To the fullest extent permitted by law in New Zealand, Toshiba excludes
any liability for any direct or indirect loss or damage of any kind arising from the goods, including consequen-
tial loss or damage, or loss of prots, and loss or damage arising from the negligence of Toshiba’s employees
and agents. This Warranty is personal to the original purchaser and cannot be transferred to a subsequent
purchaser (although the purchaser, in some circumstances, may have rights under the Consumer Guarantees
Act 1993 or the Sale of Goods Act 1908). These exclusions do not exclude Toshiba’s liability in respect of any
warranties or guarantees implied by any relevant legislation in New Zealand which cannot be legally contracted
out of.
Information supplied by you is used by Toshiba to process your request and to perform a warranty action. No
information will be disclosed without your permission. Refer to Toshiba’s website for more information. You
have a right of access to information which Toshiba may hold about you. You may request the correction of
that information.