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Input function selection from the CC-Link.
The function numbers selection of the RYn2 to RYn8 function valid from the command of the CC-Link are following
boldface numbers.
Positive logic Negative logic Function
Speed control PM control V/f
0 1 No function is assigned /
2 3 Forward run command /
4 5 Reverse run command /
6 7 Standby /
8 9 Reset command /
10 11 Preset speed command 1 /
12 13 Preset speed command 2 /
14 15 Preset speed command 3 /
16 17 Preset speed command 4 /
18 19 Jog run mode /
20 21 Emergency stop by external signal * /
22 23 DC braking command /
24 25 2nd acceleration/deceleration /
26 27 3rd acceleration/deceleration /
28 29 2nd V/F control mode switching /
32 33 2nd stall prevention level /
36 37 PID control prohibition /
46 47 External thermal error input /
48 49 Forced local from communication /
50 51 Operation hold (hold of 3-wire operation) /
52 53 PID integral/differential clear /
54 55 PID characteristics switching /
56 57 Forced run operation /
58 59 Fire speed operation /
60 61 Acceleration/deceleration suspend signal /
62 63 Power failure synchronized signal /
64 65 My function-S trigger signal /
74 75 Integrating wattmeter(kWh) display clear /
76 77 Trace back trigger signal /
78 79
Light-load high-speed operation
prohibitive signal
80 81 Holding of RY-RC terminal output /
82 83 Holding of OUT terminal output /
88 89 Frequency UP /
90 91 Frequency DOWN /
92 93 Clear frequency UP/DOWN /
96 97 Coast stop command /
98 99 Forward/reverse selection /
100 101 Run/Stop command /
104 105 Frequency setting mode forced switching /
106 107 Frequency setting mode terminal block /
108 109 Command mode terminal block /
110 111 Parameter editing permission /
120 121 Fast stop command 1 /
122 123 Fast stop command 2 /
134 135 Traverse permission signal /
136 137 Low voltage operation signal /
140 141 Forward deceleration /
142 143 Forward stop /
144 145 Reverse deceleration /
146 147 Reverse stop /
152 153
No.2 motor switching
(AD2 + VF2 + OCS2)
200 201 Parameter editing prohibition /
202 203 Parameter reading prohibition /
* This function is not dependent on cmod.