Stratagy ES Feature Groups
Fax Server
Stratagy General Description 01/03 45
Remote Retrieval
To retrieve a fax message remotely, the user can call from any DTMF telephone. The user reviews
the message, is prompted that the message contains a fax, and the number of pages. The system
prompts the user to enter the telephone number of a fax machine (e.g., a machine made available
by a hotel) and the fax message is queued for immediate delivery.
A number of fax messages can be queued during one call. Each message is sent separately to the
indicated telephone number(s), with automatic retry if the destination fax machine is busy or does
not answer.
Fax On Demand/Fax Back
Similar to Audiotex, Fax on Demand and Fax Back enable a caller to receive printed information
(e.g., product brochures, price lists, etc.) from the Stratagy ES system. The transmission can be
done over the same telephone call (“single-call”), or the fax can be queued for later transmission (a
“two-call” arrangement). Multiple-fax documents can be transmitted in a single-fax telephone call,
depending upon the system’s programming.
Stratagy ES can be programmed to allow callers to choose the documents to be faxed via several
different applications, e.g., single digit menus or database reference.
Fax on Demand and Fax Back can be used separately or in conjunction with each other.
• Enables a caller to retrieve automatically “printed” information from the Stratagy ES system.
• The availability of fax documents complements informational audio recordings.
• Provides the customer with the best method for their application—“one” or “two-call” method.
Fax Broadcast
A custom IVR application enabling single or multiple fax documents to be transmitted to a single
or multiple list of clients that are stored in a database.
Provides a method to transmit fax documents such as form letters, product literature and
promotions, etc. to a list of customers.
Client Fax Printer Driver
Any documents on a user’s computer that can be printed using the Microsoft-based print utility can
also be faxed.
With the aid of the custom Stratagy ES Client Fax Printer Driver, when a user selects ‘Print’ and
chooses the Stratagy ES Fax as the printer device, the document is sent through the LAN to the
Stratagy ES. Stratagy ES allocates a voice port, applies fax resources and sends the document like
a fax to the destination fax machine. Users can also send documents into other users’ mailboxes
where they are stored as fax messages. In addition, a customizable cover page can be added that
can include the name and number of the destination, as well as an editable comments field.
Direct Fax Message
Enables callers calling from fax machines to fax documents directly into user’s mailboxes. Callers
can record a comment as a preface to the fax message.