
Merging Applications
Do this procedure to put more than one application on one SD card.
1. Turn off the copier.
2. Remove the SD card slot cover ( x2).
3. Put the Source SD card in Slot 3 (top slot). This card contains the application
that you want to copy.
NOTE: The PS SD card cannot be the source card, because it cannot be
4. Put the Target SD card in Slot 2 (middle slot). The application on the card in
Slot 3 will be copied to this card.
5. Open the front door.
6. Turn the copier on.
7. Go into the SP mode and select SP5873 001.
8. Press "Execute".
9. Read the instructions on the display and press "Execute" to start copying.
10. When the display tells you copying is completed, touch "Exit".
11. Turn the copier off.
12. Remove the Source SD card from Slot 3. Keep the target SD card in Slot 2.
13. Turn the copier on.
14. Go into the User Tools mode and check that all the applications on the SD card
in Slot 2 are enabled:
User Tools> System Settings> Administrator Tools> Firmware Version> Next
15. Turn the copier off again, then:
Attach the SD card slot cover.
Attach the rear cover of the machine.
Remove the cover from the front door, and store the SD card that was
copied. (Pg.1-1226)
After an SD card is copied, it cannot be used. But it must be stored in the
front door, to serve as proof of purchase by the customer.
The original card can also be used to perform an undo procedure (SP 5873
002). Before you put the card in the front cover, label it carefully so that you
can identify it easily if you need to do the undo procedure (see the next page).