Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions Send Items to Remote Printers
FS-3700 Owner’s Manual 3-25
3.5.3 Send Multi Remote Slips from One Check
The ORD CHECK ON DMD (Order Check on Demand) setting in the
Order Type Table can be used to print items from the same check on
remotes when the {ORDER~COMPLETE} key is pressed.
This option allows orders to be prepared for multi-person orders
but on only one check.
With this option set, no Menu items of this Order Type will print
to the kitchen printers unless {ORDER~COMPLETE} is pressed.
1. Enter menu items for first remote order.
• The order remains on the screen.
• The items entered this round print on the remote printer(s).
3. Enter menu items for the next remote order.
5. Continue entering items and pressing {ORDER~COMPLETE} until
all remote orders are entered.
6. Press key to end order entry, {PRINT~CHECK}, {TOTAL} or a
{MEDIA} key.