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9. Specifications
The flowmeter specifications and the type specification code used when ordering the flowmeter
are described in this chapter.
9.1 Specifications
Meter size: 1/2", 1", 1 1/4", 1 1/2", 2", 2 1/2", 3", 4", 5", 6", 8", 10", 12", 14", 16", 18", 20" and 24"
(15, 25, 32, 40, 50, 65, 80, 100, 125, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500 and 600 mm)
Measuring range: 0
–1.0 ft/s to 0 – 32.8 ft/s (0 – 0.3 m/s to 0 –10 m/s).
– 0.3 ft/s to 0 – 1.0 ft/s (0 – 0.1 m/s to 0 – 0.3 m/s) range is available optionally for meter
size 1/2” to 18” (15 to 450 mm).
Accuracy: (Accuracy when combined with the converter)
< 1/2” to 18”( 15mm to 450 mm ) >
±0.2 % of Rate *
This pulse output error result is established under standard operating conditions at Toshiba's flow
calibration facility, Fuchu Japan. (NIST Traceable).
Individual meter measurement error may vary up to ±0.5% of Rate at 1.64 ft/s (0.5m/s) or more and
±0.3% of rate ±0.039 inch/s (1mm/s) at 1.64 ft/s or less.
Current output: plus ± 8µA (0.05% of span).
Refer to individual calibration data for each individual meter's measurement error.
< 20” to 24” ( 500mm to 600mm ) >
± 0.3 % of Rate *
This pulse output error result is established under standard operating conditions at Toshiba’s flow
calibration facility, Fuchu Japan.
Individual meter measurement error may vary up to ±0.5 % of Rate at 3.28 ft/s (1.0 m/s) or more
and ± 0.3% of Rate ±0.079 inch/s (2 mm/s) at 3.28 ft/s (1.0 m/s) or less.
Current output: plus ± 8µA (0.05% of span.)
Refer to individual calibration data for each individual meter’s measurement error.
Fluid conductivity: 5 µS/cm minimum
Fluid temperature: –20゚C to +100゚C (–4゚F to 212゚F) ・・・FEP
–20゚C to +120゚C (–4゚F to 248゚F) ・・・PTFE
–20゚C to +60゚C (–4゚F to 140゚F) ・・・Polyurethane (PU)
–10゚C to +60゚C (14゚F to 140゚F) ・・・Chloroprene rubber(CR)
Ambient temperature: –20゚C to + 60゚C (–4゚F to 140゚F)
Storage temperature: –25゚C to +65゚C (–13゚F to 149゚F)
Storage humidity: 10 to 90%RH (no condensation)
Fluid pressure: 0 to 1MPa (0 to 150 psi, or 0 to 10 bar)
(To be within the applicable flange limitation)