Step 11: Configure Stratagy IVP8
Stratagy IVP8 Installation Guide 01/02 25
Table 3 Stratagy IVP8 System Configuration Parameters – Definitions and Settings
Parameter Description
Specifies whether Stratagy should accept 0 as valid mailbox number. If the parameter is
set to “false,” SMDI packets that include 0 for the “forwarding from station number”
(forwarded call SMDI packets) or for the “calling station number” (direct call SMDI packet)
are not accepted.
Possible values: false (mailbox 0 not accepted), true (mailbox 0 accepted)
Default: false
In order for Stratagy IVP8 to communicate with the Stratagy Admin PC connected to one
of its serial ports, Stratagy IVP8 needs to know which port is to be used. This parameter
defines the logical port that Stratagy IVP8 software uses.
Example: Set this parameter to 1 for logical serial port 1.
CAUTION! The connection may fail if the baud parameter for this port is set
higher than 9600 or the serial port definitions for this port do not
correspond to the definitions for the COM port being used on the
Stratagy Admin PC.
Possible values: 1 (COM1), 2 (COM2)
Default: 2
Identifies to Stratagy IVP8 the physical slot in the Strata DK that contains the PDKU
programmed for DSS console in Program 03 (type 64). The Stratagy IVP8 monitors this
slot for the busy lamp field (see dss_active parameter), and Night Transfer.
For Strata DK40i/DK40/DK16e/DK16 and DK24, DK56, and DK96: the console_slot_id
is always set to 0 (zero). Slot ID 0 corresponds to card slot S11 for DK40i/DK40/DK16e/
DK16 or slot 01 for DK24, DK56, and DK96.
CAUTION! For Strata DK16: If this parameter is set to 1, Stratagy IVP8 is disabled.
All ports return “ring no answer” when dialed.
For Strata CTX100/CTX670, DK424i/DK424 and DK280: set this parameter per the
following table.
DK424i/DK424/DK280 Slot Assignment Console_slot_id
11, 31, 51 0
12, 32, 52 1
13, 33, 53 2
14, 34, 54 3
15, 35, 55 4
16, 36, 56 5
Important! For this feature to work, the PDKU must reside in an odd numbered cabinet
(see Figure 2 on page 14 for examples).
In all applications, the Stratagy IVP8 must reside in a higher-numbered slot
in the same cabinet or next even numbered cabinet as the PDKU card
(defined as console_slot_id).
Possible values: 0~5
Default: 0 (zero)