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Character string process
ASC Format ASC ( <character string> )
Function Provides the character code (ASCII) for the first character of the
character string.
CHR$ Format CHR$ ( <numeric expression> [, <numeric expression> ] ยทยทยท)
Function Converts the character code (ASCII and internal sequential code) to a
RIGHT$ Format RIGHT$ ( <character string>, <numeric expression> )
Function Provides a character string of the length specified on the right side of the
character string.
LEFT$ Format LEFT$ ( <character string>, <numeric expression> )
Function Provides a character string of the length specified on the left side of the
character string.
MID$ Format MID$ ( <character string>, <numeric expression 1>
[, <numeric expression 2> ] )
Function Provides the specified character in a given character string.
Format LSET <character variable> = <character expression>
RSET <character variable> = <character expression>
Function Transfers data to the buffer for the random file.
(In preparation for the PUT statement)
HEX$ Format HEX$ ( <numeric expression> )
Function Converts a decimal number to a hexadecimal number, and then provides
the character string.
STR$ Format STR$ ( <numeric expression> )
Function Provides the character string indicating <numeric expression>.
VAL Format VAL ( <character string> )
Function Converts a character string to a numeric value.
SPACE$ Format SPACE$ ( <numeric expression> )
Function Provides character strings of spaces in the specified length.
LEN Format LEN ( <character string> )
Function Provides the length of the character string (the number of bytes).
Kanji is counted as 2 bytes.
INSTR Format INSTR ( [ <numeric expression> , ] <character string 1>,
<character string 2> )
Function Searches for the specified characters from the character string, and
provides its first character position of the characters.
Format MKI$ ( <integer value> )
MKS$ ( <single-precision real value> )
Function Converts a numeric value to the numeric data of the character string
Format CVI ( <2-byte character string> )
CVS ( <4-byte character string> )
Function Provides a value for the numeric value data which is converted to the
numeric data.