3 Diagnostic Programs 3.2 Quick Start
Pressing ESC key to interrupt the test, USER BREAK message box would be prompted out
in the central of Diagnostics Window for the user to select the following actions:
CONTINUE---- Continue the test;
SKIP---- Stop the sub-item of current test item to go to the next item’s test;
ABORT----Stop the current test item to test the next module.
ABORT ALL---- Stop all the selected test items. User could use the hot key Ctrl+D to
achieve the same operation. When the user calls ABORT ALL, the following message
box will prompt for his selecting.
4. Title Bar:
Title Bar located at the top of the window, it includes information as follows:
Program Name and Its Version: Service Diagnostic Ver1.10;
Test Module Name: Label the name and version of the test module. For example, in the
above screen, the name of the test module is ‘Memory Tester Build Date 2005.10.10’.
Status Bar: Located at the bottom of the screen as follows:
The status bar is used to indicate the current script setting and test status. It consists of two
lines that includes the information as follows:
Test Mode: TIMEBOUND or LOOPBOUND, e.g. LOOPBOUND in the above screen;
Script File Name: Script file name, e.g. ‘Quick.INI’ in the above screen;
Current Time(C. TIME): Current system time, e.g. ‘C.TIME:2006-07-05 09:21:27’ in
the above screen;
Test Time Remaining (LEFT): In TIMEBOUND mode, it would display the remaining
test time at the same location as Current TIME (C. TIME) in the above screen;
QosmioF40/F45,dynabook Qosmio F40 Maintenance Manual